Thursday, April 8, 2010

Exit Link Tracking with Google Analytics (GA)

Google Analytics provides a very easy way to track your exit links. Now in case you have only a small number of exit links on your website or blog you can use the onclick event to manually embed the GA code that tracks the links as exit links.

For example say your website has a link to the site and you want to find out how many users actually clicked on this link to exit your site, you can simply add the onclick event to the HTML link anchor.
So instead of the normal  

<a href =></a>

You can put the following code :

<a onclick = “javascript: pageTracker _trackPageview(‘ Shoppers exit link’);” href = =></a>

This will simply track the click on the link as a page view and you can get a count of the number of times it was clicked. You can find the numbers under Content in GA.

In my case I used this method to track the number of clicks on the LinkedIn link in my profile in my blog. The code looks something like this:

<a onclick="javascript:pageTracker._trackPageview('/exit/sidebar/');" href=""> <img border="0" width="160" alt="View Nilotpal Paul's profile on LinkedIn" src="" height="33" /> </a>

The numbers look like this:
 In case you have a dynamic site where the exit links are generated dynamically , you can check out the following post to understand how to activate the exit link tracking in GA :


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